Almost everyone who've entered med school gained weight. This and that who had sexy abs, now has sexy flabs to boast. If you're skinny, go to med school, you'll gain weight.

I've often read in magazines, the secret on dieting is to "make your own meal" so as you have more control to what you are eating. Well, the thing is, I can't make my own meal. My dorm doesn't have a kitchen, so that's out. Working out on a gym is a out of the question since I'd rather hit my books and study for the next exam to catch up. I have org meetings to add to that. Still, if there's a will there's a way, right? I stopped drinking juices and sticked to water, it worked but only to stop me from gaining any more weight. I incorporated fruits to my daily intake, but I haven't monitored how that work. I tried the eat less but eat often trick, that didn't work. But that one inch that I have painfully got out will go down the drain once my boyfriend comes over or brings me out on a date. He'd make me eat, make me drink milk tea, and give me a little treat before we part: either chocolates or a box of cookies. I can't get mad at him since he's just being thoughtful to make me happy. He doesn't seem to have any idea of what dieting is since he can eat a whole pan of pizza and still remain skinny.
I have exercise too! my books weigh heavier than my chihuahua and my laptop combined (I own an HP, not a Mac Air, mind you) and I carry them to and from school! I also take long walks every week along with my bf.
Now, I know it's discouraging but not all of the diet regime that I've tried were useless. There is one that even my sweet boyfriend couldn't defeat, and perhaps it's one of the craziest dieting regime known in this world. I call this the kangkong diet.
how I see myself on the "kangkong"diet |
It's not your conventional story of picking up a book about dieting, or having to take a good look at the mirror and say to yourself, gahd I need to diet. In my case, dieting was enforced. Here's how it goes.
The Pharmacology department required our class to make a research study with the theme on weight reduction. Our research head was on the weight reduction effects of ipomoea aquatica. we call it Kangkong here, I think it's water spinach in English. After the papers have been written, it was time to choose a subject. I was one of the chosen ones having a bmi of 26 and without any health problem. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
I was really optimistic about it though, unlike my fellow subjects. What can go wrong? All we have to do is incorporate 500g steamed kangkong to our diet, and maintain our sedentary lifestyle, We're not allowed to climb more than three flights of stairs, and since we're already subjects, we need not help in writing the paper anymore.
On our first week, we went binge eating. We ate whenever we can, and ate whatever.. The idea seemed to stress a lot of my classmates. Besides, if we're going to follow the same diet for three weeks might as well make the most out of it, right?
Finally the day for the kangkong has arrived. We were given these heart shaped containers then got oriented to eat the steamed kangkong everyday for two weeks, which we can eat it all at once or divide the food to add to our meals. Everyone opened their containers and take a waft of the green pile of gunk inside. I had to pull back from the container fast. The smell was horrible! Like a damp closet with a hint of earth. I could see that everyone had the same reaction: this was not how we expected this diet to go. But we didn't have a choice. If we abandon this study our grades would go down the drain. All our hard studying would be all for nothing.
I could see some pinching their nose just to swallow. Some didn't even chew and just swallowed to end it fast. I took two spoonfuls and then I gagged, that I ran to the nearest trash bin. I had to spit the kangkong out or vomit everything. My body simply refused to take more of the thing. Since I had to report in the front I could see everyone's reaction. Some were coughing them out, some where starting to look sick, every subject was miserable. When I finished my report, I don't dare touch my container! It dawned to me, then, I have to do this diet for two weeks, not cause I want a sexier hotter body but cause this is a study and my grades relied on this. The group in charge for making the kangkong were all watching us, distressed. They wanted to help us but what can they do? The next group who were tasked to make the next batch of kangkong were all looking at me, since I was the only one left who hasn't finished and they had to take the container. I needed to take my time to chew the kangkong until I can swallow since I was afraid it might initiate another nausea.
That night most of the subjects had diarrhea. No seriously. And it's not like the kind of diarrhea that makes you feel good afterwards. It's the kind where you don't want to get out of the toilet and just live there to make your life easier. Now I know what they mean by "Purge" I know, gross, wtf with this diet huh? It's not like we can just quit, you know.
On the second day they added shrimp paste to the kangkong. This delighted the other subjects but not me. I don't like shrimp paste.
The diarrhea went on, but it got better, more tolerable. In fact it feels better afterwards now, like all the toxins have been flushed out.. On the fourth day one of my fellow subjects had to stop. She was brought to the E.R. I don't know the exact reason but the point is, the stress from this diet was really bad for her.
I was unable to follow my original diet plan since the kangkong made me full. It didn't matter, our research head told me, so long as I am fateful to the Kangkong. The diarrhea continued for a week until my body started to adapt. The kangkong became better too, since my classmates became creative as the time passed. They added a siomai on top of the shrimp paste, and so on, or give out tuna as a side dish to make the steamed kangkong taste better
Classmates even forged a letter from my bf on the container. Hilarious but very effective. I finished this in one sitting, even though they just added caramelized onions and soy sauce. Wish I kept the container, even though I know it's a fraud. |
Now I know what a lab rat feels like. lol
Did it work? for me, it did! And according to our study, it's very effective! I lost like 6 kg in two weeks, and that's already good enough for me since remember i started off with a BMI of 26, and it returned to 25! 25!!! basically I became healthier!
As for my waistline.... from 31 it returned to 29! although if I suck in my breath my waistline dropped to a 27! Close enough!!! I did enjoy the trim from the waistline unfortunately, only my waistline dropped. =| I never had these before but my skin suddenly became... loose. Idk, it looks weird like I'm wearing a shirt that is a size bigger but fits perfectly on other places. Just unflattering >< As it turns out, loosing weight is different from having a nicer sexier body. sigh....
One of my friends have told me about the Lipo Cavitation from Sexy Solutions. She's on the rich side, and her parents sponsored her for a Lipo Cavitation and wow. It's like Photoshop, only in real life. O.O She used to have flabby arms and a double chin, but now, she's all pretty, with that nice arms, We have the same waistline but she looks nicer with a sleeveless top compared with me! :( Now she's having the Lipo Cavitation for her tummy! I made a pact with my dorm mate when we heard about this. Once we graduate and get pretty rich we're going straight to Sexy Solutions! I like the Lipo Cavitation since it's not as invasive as a liposuction. Liposuction is a blind procedure, according to our lecturer at surgery. They insert a huge needle thingie connected to a suction through your belly button and suck away blindly. BLINDLY. Meaning although it's very slim, there is still that chance of getting your organs skewered. Lipo Cavitation simply melts those stubborn fats away, without the scary needle suction thingie. Between Liposuction and Lipo Cavitation, go for the Lipo Cavitation, it's safer I tell you! Less expensive too.
If you want to do our class's Kangkong Diet, here's a tip:
- divide the 500 grams of steamed kangkong into three, so it doesn't surprise your intestines from the sudden bulk. =)
- don't eat it as a salad, eat it with your meal or a sandwich. It tastes much better with meat
- Avoid shrimp paste or soy sauce. The additional salt isn't good for you. =_= like I said incorporate it to your meal :)
- do not boil the kangkong leaves. steam it for fifteen minutes. boiling the leaves will destroy its properties.
- if you're starting to get palpitations, headaches, chest pains or difficulty in breathing then stop the diet, and change it. The diet is not for you.
- Although I said it gave me diarrhea, it's not as bas as cholera or dysentery. It's more like you've taken a laxative, and it does get better. It just regulates your bowel movement.
Remember the Kangkong Diet is for weight reduction, not for a sexier, toner body.
Although the diet works (and I have a research study behind it) I don't really want to go back to that diet regime ever =( eating the kangkong was really difficult and painful for me even with all the thoughtfulness and creativity of my classmates to make it all bearable. Maybe the nutritionist at the Sexy Solution can teach me a diet plan that is perfect for a sedentary med student. You know, something more bearable but still healthy!
Oh and btw:
I know right!! vomitsrainbows.jpg THEY GOT 50% OFF!!!!! No more sit ups and diarrheal laxative stuff!