But apparently nothing much happened today. My sister asked me to help her sort some of our clothes at my grandparents house, and it ended up taking the whole afternoon. I never knew we had so many clothes!
Since this store plans to resell vintage and thrifted clothes, I started picking up a few things from my wardrobe. As it turned out, most of my favourites will be sacrificed though, so it was really painful to part from them. My sister tried to gave me some clothes that has lace in them, and I would end up arguing, no not mori enough.
I suppose it's frustrating since I love the fashion and she doesn't. I happen to like laces and those vintagey feel
I'm sure you see them here and there. It's a delicate style that would look good on every woman of any age. My sister thought it was mainly laces and white, so I told her, nope, it doesn't have to be those colors. However it plays on the pastel shades and earthy tones.
She seems to think it's gaudy, but I prefer it over other fashion styles. After all these pieces are stylish and cute and you can get them from your grand mother's closet. Unfortunately, my grandmother doesn't have cutesy clothes like these ><
I hope I can open my store soon! :D For now, I need to set up the store so and add more stocks so it wouldn't look all too bare ><
Filipina ka? haha. coool!! :)) anyway, i'm addicted to mori :"> hope you'll open your store soon! and sana sponsoran mo blog ko! LOL. :DD Drop by my blog too dear?
Rae \(^o^)/
Raellarina - The Ballerina on Fire
lol, finally blogger started working ^^
BurahinYup, mori style is very pretty :D I've opened my store a few days ago. lol, if afford ko na,. I'll try to do some sponsoring XD
my store is here