happened on October 4-5 2014

and right, I featured several shops to help me get back my capital. Dorotee Sweetlips owner/ business friend and adviser encouraged me to have consignors to help me bring back the capital. Honestly, if it wasn't for her, I would not know what to do.

We were given three ID's for each booth. each booth was around 2x2 sq,m. according to the contract. when I pulled out my tarp, it seemed the booth we were given was actually much smaller. :/ perhaps around 1.8m? next time I will be bringing a meter to measure the place. It's quite annoying when we're promised this amount of space when you get something smaller.

Gotta love those LED lights tee hee!
Our dear Mannequin did her job as well,. everything we put on her got sold quickly except for the second day. she must have gotten tired.
I shall name her Mannie

I realized that one should always think outside the box. Some of our fellow exhibitors used up the aisle, despite what we agreed. I know it's wrong but I wished we thought of it beforehand..

One of our regulars! and her boyfriend! She's wearing Berry Drop all over <3

I realize now that I had so much fun joining this event
Being a novice, I had so much to learn after this event. we forgot a lot of things on the first day, causing aches and body pain everywhere. I also learnt to be creative. and if you can't be creative, find someone who has a sharp mind to help out.